Software Engineering

Font GUI JavaFX App

Developed a Font GUI JavaFX app using CSS, Java, and JavaFX. The app allows users to customize and render text with different font styles, sizes, colors, and shapes.

Technologies: CSS, Java, JavaFX

Coding Portfolio Website

Hosted the website on Amazon S3 and established a custom domain through Amazon Route 53. Enabled static website hosting and seamlessly directed the domain to the S3 bucket. Designed the website using a combination of SCSS, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS.

Technologies: AWS, Bootstrap, SCSS, HTML, CSS

BMI Calculator

Developed an interactive BMI calculator using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Allows users to input their weight and height to calculate their BMI score.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Coffee Shop Recommendations Website

Used Bootstrap, SCSS, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop a website providing coffee shop recommendations from three diverse countries. The site offers language options, including Korean, Japanese, English, and Spanish.

Technologies: Bootstrap, SCSS, HTML, CSS, Javascript